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An interesting discovery for me as I began reiterating my journey towards better health was the term Neurokinetic therapy. Neurokinetic Therapy is used to assist movement, reimburse strength and help in achieving pain-free movements. Using the Neurokinetic therapy one can quite successfully manipulate the conditions such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder syndrome, lower back pain, strains, pulls, pain caused during training and improper posturing, impact or trauma injuries. It cannot, however, take over from the doctors in cases of severe accident trauma, or diseases such as Parkinson’s, vertigo, cancer or severe osteoporosis.

When one muscle gets weak or is hurt, the others around it compensate to help our body complete the motions. As they always say, “Life goes on….”, and our body has the same philosophy….. It does not give up. Simply put, survival instinct takes over and the body will continue to work until it can’t anymore. That is where the conscious mind comes to play and we are told by pain receptors that we are in pain, that we should rest and we should stop doing what we are. Sometimes, to stop is beyond us such as in case of an accident or immense pain and the body’s survival instincts cut off the neurotransmitters signals to the brain and we feel numbness. This is also called shock. In severe trauma, the part that is hurt goes into shock and is alienated from the brain to protect other organ failures due to extreme pressure.

In the case of lesser impact or pain the other parts of the body rally to help. The neurokinetic lines in our body are the interlinked muscles which are woven together to help or compensate movements. When one muscle takes over the work of another to compensate its work caused by weakness or injury, the neurokinetic disposition changes. This change becomes part of the routine, slowly causing overuse of the compensating muscle. The body is programmed to recover, rearrange and move forward. Unfortunately, it cannot redirect itself to the original as there are always a series of changes that take place to achieve the final outcome. The usage of neurokinetic therapy is to ease and reprogram the compensating muscles by releasing their tightness.

Kinesiology is a term given to the biomechanics of our body which creates or disbars movement due to neurological and physiological factors. Neurokinetic therapy helps in regaining movement wherein a musculoskeletal trauma has taken place. This could be because of an accident, overuse or even simply the aging process. This science helps greatly in case of rehabilitation in case of injury, understanding de-generation of musculoskeletal movement due to aging and to help in the health and fitness training of athletes. The kinesiology experts suggest lower levels of pain when treated with corrective methods of Active Release Techniques.

I have used this, to successfully to overcome my own injuries and pain and have integrated its theory into my program, “Back2Basics” too. It’s definitely a posture improving technique, which when incorporated can in time reverse and even keep at bay most regular neck, shoulder, back and sciatica problems that people face due to their work or due to the advancing years.

Understanding your body is the key to good health.



1.Wellness, H., Living, B., and Therapies, W. (2017). Applied Kinesiology (AK) – Dr. Weil’s Wellness Therapies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Oct. 2017]. (2017). NeuroKinetic Therapy – Next Generation Bodywork. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Oct. 2017].
3.Dr. Axe. (2017). Radical Therapy for Injury & Pain. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2017].

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