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Core strength – Why you need it more as you get older.

Our core strength is vital for most everyday activities that we do, like standing, walking, bending, lifting etc. We do not realise but every time we turn, twist, sit, stand, bend we are effectively putting our core to work. The mid section of our body is the most utilized part of our body. But somehow the most neglected too. Read More

Dead Bugs

Have you ever seen a bug upturned on its back? The scare of being a dead bug, feeling completely vulnerable it untiringly moves its legs in an effort to turn over. The only survival chance it has.
Let’s say dead bugs do that for you too. It is the easiest way to ascertain the workability of various parts of your body. In doing the dead bugs you will come to know your weakest areas. Read More


Why do we take for granted the core of our well-being….our breath- the simple process of cleansing, oxygenating, rejuvenating our inner organs. We bypass the focal point of our sustenance, the reason for us being alive. Read More