Water Vegetables

Our body is 70% water and we need to keep that replenished. Many times, I hear people saying that they do not like to drink water that often. Incorporating the water vegetables into your everyday meal takes care of that. The vegetables having 90% plus water Read More

The choice to prioritize health.

Making the decision to prioritize one’s own health contributes not only in a physical way but even a lot to a person’s mental well-being. And it has indeed become the need of the hour too. With the ongoing pandemic, it has become essential to maintain your health as much as hygiene and social distancing. Read More

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Shoulder mobility is taken for granted, and who more than I would know, having suffered due to my negligence. My pain threshold being pretty high, I simply disregarded the fact that we are not meant to live in pain. Simply because that’s the only joint that can pivot a full circle, move in all directions, we think it’s capable of just about anything. The rotator cuff allows your arm to move up/down/sideways and perform all your tasks almost subconsciously. Read More

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Core strength – Why you need it more as you get older.

Our core strength is vital for most everyday activities that we do, like standing, walking, bending, lifting etc. We do not realise but every time we turn, twist, sit, stand, bend we are effectively putting our core to work. The mid section of our body is the most utilized part of our body. But somehow the most neglected too. Read More

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Functional training is all about creating, maintaining and/or increasing the capability of your body to do its daily tasks pain free. I am often asked what kind of exercise do I follow. When I say, “Functional Training” people are a bit confused. They often turn around and reconfirm, “Means yoga right? Read More


What is it that motivates you to do what you do everyday? To workout in your 50’s, have a radiant skin and smile? I get this question a lot….and actually the answer is simple too. To better myself. That is my driving force. When I look back at myself, I see someone that was frail, weak and under confident. I had pains and aches, inabilities to perform basic tasks without feeling exhausted and even the radiance of my skin and lustre of my hair had reduced over the years. Read More

Ghee – The Indian Nectar

Ghee is called the Indian nectar by the western cultures that are gradually opening up to the deep wisdom of our Indian food culture. Why is it that we need the west to influence us on what is good for our health when we have had that wealth forever. Read More

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An interesting discovery for me as I began reiterating my journey towards better health was the term Neurokinetic therapy. Neurokinetic Therapy is used to assist movement, reimburse strength and help in achieving pain free movements Read More


I believe that reality is just a perspective; it really is mind over matter. What you believe, you can achieve. When I suffered from calcification of my shoulder and subacromial bursitis of rotator cuff I was told undoubtedly that I would require a surgery. Read More


I just happened to see the film, “Lipstick under my burkha”, and I absolutely loved it. Lives of five women, so different in their own lives and yet their stories intermingled to one simple question, “Do we not exist?’ Though the film, “Lipstick under my burkha” took the narrative on lines of freedom of women’s sexuality, the more poignant question that arose was that of their individuality. Read More