Yes ! its is a berry with loads of antioxidants. It was also called the Chinese gooseberry .A native of China, it had its name changed because of export policies when it was brought to New Zealand. Read More
Yes ! its is a berry with loads of antioxidants. It was also called the Chinese gooseberry .A native of China, it had its name changed because of export policies when it was brought to New Zealand. Read More
While we all have suffered muscle spasms or cramping at some point of time. Usually it’s during a workout session and we wonder why when we are supposedly eating well, doing all our exercises correctly, leading an active lifestyle. Read More
Down the centuries, Indian spices have been known to have many a medicinal value. Infact sometimes spices were even a mode of payment, such was their value. In today’s cuisine we rarely realize the importance that they have in maintaining our health. Read More
“If I was a bear I would enjoy my sleep in hibernation and was I an owl, then my insomnia in night’s wakefulness.” A lot of us must have compared their sleep patterns or insomnia levels with these animals. Unfortunately, we humans can’t choose to be either. Read More
The Black rice is far more nutritious than the brown rice or red rice. It’s known to have the same antioxidants that are present in berries such as acai berry, blueberries grapes etc as well as the dark purple eggplant. Read More
The marketing gurus are doing everything possible to replace our traditional “dahi”. The Greek Yogurt claims to have higher protein benefits than the homemade curds has a more practical and universal appeal to all, apart from the fact that it is most economical too, to incorporate into your daily routine. Read More
“Don’t put those leaves on my food.” We moms have often heard our kids scream as dinner is being served. But while we may have genuinely put them only to beautify the serving, its benefits are far and many. Read More
The main concerns that trouble most of us are, diabetes, hypertension and obesity or excess weight. The blame of the evil comes on the 3 white witches of food: sugar, salt and rice. Read More
With Valentine round the corner, and everyone trying to look their pretty best here are the best beauty products, completely affordable and right at hand. Open your fridge and find everything you need to eat and apply to be Valentine ready. Read More