Are you bananas? Its almost used as a bad word and I often wonder why? Today’s so called “health conscious” people shun the fruit and have developed an aversion to it. The only problem with it is that it is a staple for the common man. But that is why it is the most interesting. Read More

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Shoulder mobility is taken for granted, and who more than I would know, having suffered due to my negligence. My pain threshold being pretty high, I simply disregarded the fact that we are not meant to live in pain. Simply because that’s the only joint that can pivot a full circle, move in all directions, we think it’s capable of just about anything. The rotator cuff allows your arm to move up/down/sideways and perform all your tasks almost subconsciously. Read More

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Bhindi or Okra has been one of my favourite vegetables but one that is always been difficult to cook. Undercooking can leave it slimy and overcooking can destroy the benefits… Read More

Ghee – The Indian Nectar

Ghee is called the Indian nectar by the western cultures that are gradually opening up to the deep wisdom of our Indian food culture. Why is it that we need the west to influence us on what is good for our health when we have had that wealth forever. Read More


To cook up health in your kitchen, all you will require are some basic foods that can cover most of your nutritional requirements. There is a plethora of veggies and having being told constantly told to eat a colorful meal, it gets confusing to make choices. Sometimes the availability and sometimes the expense makes it even more difficult. But let me list the easiest to stock your kitchen with. Read More

The Poor Pumpkin

The poor pumpkin is not even considered a vegetable that could come on the table as preparation in any of our houses but knowing its benefits, we will change the way we think. Read More


I love beetroot, in every form but not many find this a vegetable of interest. It has a crisp but sweet taste when raw and it’s all sweet and mushy after it’s boiled. Read More


Chia, Flax, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Seasame and Moringa seeds provide the greatest source of omegas, vitamins and minerals and even a generous amount of protein. They could also be called seeds of health. Big benefits in small packages could be the easiest way to describe them. Read More


We have often heard ‘build the muscle’ but the ‘build the bones’ comes as a surprise to many. It comes to the fore only with the onset of osteoporosis. The next advice one gets is to pop calcium tablets. Is that enough? Is that correct? Are corrective methods the only solution? Read More