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Monsoon arrives, bringing with it a lot of smiles, but a lot of worries about health too. Getting wet in the rain is not just a pleasure but not an option either.

When we live out our childhood memories, getting soaking wet, stomping in puddles, setting paper boats a sail… were all part of it and all mothers had monsoon woes about the child falling sick. Nothing much has changed. Except, in the world where the pandemic has struck, everyone is doubly worried.

But instead of curbing these little pleasures that make memories of childhood vivid with laughter, follow some simple tips to make you and your child monsoon safe.A mixture of 5 tulsi leaves, a thumbnail of ginger, 2 freshly crushed peppercorns mixed with half a teaspoon of honey, had twice a day throughout the 3 month monsoon period, raises the immunity of children against cold and cough.

Make sure that you don’t sit around with wet feet, wash your feet with soap and dry them immediately. Most monsoon fungal infections enter through your feet coming in contact with dirty water.

  • Adding boiled neem leaves to your bath water helps to reduce the chances of skin infections. Alternately soak your feet in water with neem leaves if you can’t have a bath with it.
  • Make sure your toenails are properly trimmed, dirt and bacteria can stay there for days on end. Wet closed shoes will only add to the problems there.
  • For those who have their daily glass of milk, add half a teaspoon of Haldi (turmeric) will help.
  • For non-vegetarians, a soup of chicken broth every evening will build up inner immunity.
  • Hydrate! Though one rarely feels thirsty during the monsoon, this is an important tip to avoid UTI. Children often are most susceptible at this time.
  • Don’t allow children to sit around in wet clothes/ shoes, get them to shower and dry themselves immediately.
  • Wearing a mask and maintaining a safe distance is mandatory with the pandemic, but during the monsoon, it is a protocol one should follow irrespective. Flus, cold and cough are transmitted through tiny droplets when a person, coughs or sneezes. Airborne diseases can be avoided if one maintains a safe distance.
  • Lastly, a lifestyle all of us should follow, eat healthily, exercise regularly and sleep on time.

Keeping these simple points in mind, can keep you healthy and safe during the monsoon.

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