Are you bananas? Its almost used as a bad word and I often wonder why? Today’s so called “health conscious” people shun the fruit and have developed an aversion to it. The only problem with it is that it is a staple for the common man. But that is why it is the most interesting. Read More


I am often asked in interviews about a moment or an incident in my life that has been most memorable. It is always difficult to choose. What is it that the people would like to hear, something cheery, something gratifying, something that is emotional or something traumatic? In those brief seconds before I answer my mind spins through the vortex of memories that lie embedded amongst the pages of my life. Read More

Love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, the day to profess your love, show your love, remember and recreate memories of love. Yet in today’s fast-moving lifestyle, it has lost its value. Sometimes it is overhyped, sometimes undervalued, sometimes used as a barter while sometimes for betrayal. Read More


World Peace Ambassador, the title conferred to me by Wockhardt comes with a lot of love and responsibility.
Gratitude, humility, forgiveness, love, giving, patience and truth Read More

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Why walking backwards, when one barely manages to take out time to walk forward. The answer lies in your need for greater gains in your neurological physiological fitness. We all have read plenty of times over that your body gets used to a certain movement Read More


In today’s world of fast stressful lives, heart health is the number priority on everyone’s mind. Yet, apart from the basic knowledge that ads provide to sell their products, most of the people are completely lost on how to better it every day. Read More


Love me for what I am today, not what I was meant to be. Or then for who I will become, fall in love again with me. Long term relationships go through a lot of ups and downs and the changing dynamics often leave one partner feeling lost. Read More