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Shoulder mobility is taken for granted, and who more than I would know, having suffered due to my negligence. My pain threshold being pretty high, I simply disregarded the fact that we are not meant to live in pain. Simply because that’s the only joint that can pivot a full circle, move in all directions, we think it’s capable of just about anything. The rotator cuff allows your arm to move up/down/sideways and perform all your tasks almost subconsciously. Read More

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Core strength – Why you need it more as you get older.

Our core strength is vital for most everyday activities that we do, like standing, walking, bending, lifting etc. We do not realise but every time we turn, twist, sit, stand, bend we are effectively putting our core to work. The mid section of our body is the most utilized part of our body. But somehow the most neglected too. Read More

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Functional training is all about creating, maintaining and/or increasing the capability of your body to do its daily tasks pain free. I am often asked what kind of exercise do I follow. When I say, “Functional Training” people are a bit confused. They often turn around and reconfirm, “Means yoga right? Read More

Dead Bugs

Have you ever seen a bug upturned on its back? The scare of being a dead bug, feeling completely vulnerable it untiringly moves its legs in an effort to turn over. The only survival chance it has.
Let’s say dead bugs do that for you too. It is the easiest way to ascertain the workability of various parts of your body. In doing the dead bugs you will come to know your weakest areas. Read More


We have often heard ‘build the muscle’ but the ‘build the bones’ comes as a surprise to many. It comes to the fore only with the onset of osteoporosis. The next advice one gets is to pop calcium tablets. Is that enough? Is that correct? Are corrective methods the only solution? Read More


We have the Shakti, we have the Power, we only need to be confident, brave and believe in ourselves. Times are changing, women have become more independent. They are learning and earning too. Yet there is a decree of foreboding as they march to the forefront. Read More