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The world is gradually opening up, learning a new way to live after the scare of the pandemic. With most of international travel on hold this year, I am so happy that I managed to experience the Kenyan Safari in good time. This had been on my bucket list and my want for a vacay to the Masai Mara had been postponed indefinitely ever since the kids grew up. So, when this trip was suddenly planned by my friends, I jumped at the opportunity. Having grown up watching National Geographic rather than cartoons, the love for animals and wildlife was ingrained into my psyche. Read More


Positivity does not come from a single thought but from an everyday process. It is an emotion that we need to encompass in our lives on a daily basis like your vitamin intake. There will be a million things that could go wrong or are going wrong but your perception towards that is what will create the stepping stones to positivity. Read More

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Redesigning My Approach To Life

Life and the world around us, is confusing and exhausting (even when we aren’t in the middle of a pandemic). Contrary to idealistic fiction that everyone spews as ‘wisdom’, it’s not wine it doesn’t just get better with time. Yes, you know what I’m talking about. Read More


World Peace Ambassador, the title conferred to me by Wockhardt comes with a lot of love and responsibility.
Gratitude, humility, forgiveness, love, giving, patience and truth Read More


When we have expectations even from ourselves : how we have to be, how we have to behave, what we have to do, how well we have to do it, in how much time can we accomplish it, and so on…isn’t it the most unrealistic thing to say that any relationship can exist without expectation. Read More